SproutVideo - Problems with replacing videos, analytics reporting, and other areas of the application – Incident details

Problems with replacing videos, analytics reporting, and other areas of the application

Degraded performance
Started over 5 years agoLasted about 4 hours


Web Application

Operational from 3:03 PM to 3:03 PM, Degraded performance from 3:03 PM to 6:52 PM

Video Encoding

Operational from 3:03 PM to 3:03 PM, Degraded performance from 3:03 PM to 6:52 PM


Operational from 3:03 PM to 3:03 PM, Degraded performance from 3:03 PM to 6:52 PM

  • Resolved

    We've done extensive testing and verification to ensure that there are no lingering problems. Please reach out to support if you run into any issues.

  • Update

    We are continuing to monitor for any further issues.

  • Monitoring

    We have deployed a fix that should resolve all issues pertaining to this incident. We are continuing to monitor the situation for any further developments.

  • Update

    We have analyzed the issue and plan to deploy a fix very shortly.

  • Identified

    We have identified the source of the issues with replacing videos, analytics reporting, and other areas of the SproutVideo application, and are currently working on a fix.

  • Investigating

    We are currently investigating reports of issues that might impact replacing videos, analytics reporting, and other areas of the SproutVideo application. We will update this incident with more information as it becomes available.